What is Dvare?
The dvare-framework is a Java business rule expression language. The dvare-framework contains set of predefined which helps non-technical background peoples to describe business logic in the real domain.
The dvare-framework is a Java business rule expression language. The dvare-framework contains set of predefined which helps non-technical background peoples to describe business logic in the real domain.
The artifact dvare-framework is published is a central repository. In order to use snapshot versions, you need to add the following maven repository in your pom.xml:
RuleConfiguration ruleConfiguration= new RuleConfiguration(new String[]{"org.dvare.function"});
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
<bean id="ruleEngine" class="org.dvare.spring.DvareConfigFactoryBean">
<property name="functions">
ApplicationContext context = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("application-context.xml");
RuleConfiguration ruleConfiguration = context.getBean(RuleConfiguration.class);
The dvare framework has all common data types. Following is the table giving details about all the data types available in the dvare framework.
Sr.No | Name | Description | Literal Syntax |
1 | StringType | A sequence of Chars. | 'dvare framework' |
2 | IntegerType | 32 bit signed value. | 10 |
3 | FloatType | 32 bit IEEE 754 single-precision float. | 10.10 |
4 | BooleanType | Either the literal "true" or the literal "false". | true or false |
5 | RegexType | Java Regular Expressions for String comparison. | {regex} |
6 | DateType | Java Time LocalDate.(dd-MM-yyyy) or (yyyy-MM-dd) | 30-12-2011 or 2011-12-30 |
7 | DateTimeType | Java Time LocalDateTime. (dd-MM-yyyy-HH:mm:ss) | 30-12-2011-13:55:40 |
8 | NullType | Empty Value. | null or NULL |
9 | StringListType | Java List of String values. | ['dvare' , 'framework'] |
9 | IntegerListType | Java List of Integer values. | [10, 20] |
9 | FloatListType | Java List of Float values. | [10.10 , 20.00] |
9 | BooleanListType | Java List of Boolean values. | [true , false] |
The dare framework defines a number of operations on the data types. Following is the table giving details of the predefined operations on the data types.
Sr.No | Name | Predefined Operations | Note |
1 | StringType | toInteger(), toDate(), append(X), append(X),prepend(X), contains(X), startsWith(X), endsWith(X), substring(Q, P) | X = String Literal, Q = Integer Literal [start from 1] , P = Integer Literal |
2 | IntegerType | toString() | |
3 | FloatType | toString(), toInteger() | |
4 | BooleanType | toString() | |
6 | DateType | toString(), getYears(), addDays(P), addMonths(P), addYears(P) | P = Integer Literal |
6 | DateTimeType | toString() |
The dvare framework is rich in built-in operators and provides the arithmetic, relational, logical, assignment operations.
Sr.No | Name | Syntax | Description |
1 | Add | +, add | Adds two operands. |
2 | Subtract | -, sub | Subtracts the second operand from the first. |
3 | Multiply | *, mul | Multiplies both operands. |
4 | Divide | /, div | Divides first operand by second. |
5 | Power | ^, pow | Repeated multiplication of the first operand by the second time. |
Sr.No | Name | Syntax | Description |
1 | And | &&, and | If both the operands are true then condition becomes true. |
2 | OR | ||, or | If any one the operands are true then condition becomes true. |
3 | Not | !, not | If a condition is true then the operator will make condition false. |
4 | Implies | =>, implies | If the first operand is true and the second operand is false condition becomes false. |
Sr.No | Name | Syntax | Description |
1 | Equals | =, eq | If two operands are equal condition becomes true. |
2 | Not Equals | !=, ne | If two operands are not equal condition becomes true. |
3 | Less Than | <, lt | If the first operand is the less than the second operand condition becomes true. |
4 | Less Equals | <=, le | If the first operand is less or equal second operand condition becomes true. |
5 | Greater Than | >, gt | If the first operand is greater than the second operand condition becomes true. |
6 | Greater Equals | >=, ge | If the first operand is greater or equal the second operand condition becomes true. |
7 | Between | between | If the first operand is between the range defined in a list inside second operand condition becomes true. |
8 | In | in | If the list of values defined inside the second operand contains the first operand condition becomes true. |
9 | Not In | notIn | If the list of values defined inside the second operand not contains the first operand condition becomes true. |
The Dvare Frameworkallows to invoke java methods inside the rule. For Invocation you need to register class methods. For Registration annotate Java class with @FunctionService and annotate method with @FunctionMethod with return type and parameters elements. You also need to define package in rule configuration which use to scan these classes at run time.
RuleConfiguration factory = new RuleConfiguration(new String[]{"org.dvare.function"});
package org.dvare.function;
public class TestFunction {
@FunctionMethod(returnType = DataType.IntegerType, list = false, parameters = {DataType.IntegerType})
public Integer testFunction(Integer variable) {
System.out.println("inside testFunction with argument value: " + variable);
return variable;
Operation Name | Syntax | DataTypes | Operand |
Function Call | fun ( name , argements) | Literal, Integer, Float, String, Boolean, Regex, Date | Single or List |
public class DvareRuleTest extends TestCase {
SimpleDateFormat dateTimeFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MM-yyyy-HH:mm:ss");
SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MM-yyyy");
public void testApp() throws ExpressionParseException, InterpretException, ParseException {
RuleConfiguration factory = new RuleConfiguration(new String[]{"org.dvare.function"});
String exp = "Variable2 = (1 + 2) " +
" And Variable0 <= fun( testFunction , 10 ) " +
" And Variable1 in ['A','B'] " +
" And Variable2 between [2,4]" +
" And Variable3 > 3.0 " +
" And Variable4 = false " +
" And Variable5 in [12-05-2016,13-05-2016] " +
" And Variable6 in [12-05-2016-15:30:00,13-05-2016-15:30:00] " +
" And Variable7 in [R'B1.*',R'A1.*'] ";
Expression expression = factory.getParser().fromString(exp, EqualOperation.class);
Rule rule = new org.dvare.binding.rule.Rule(expression);
EqualOperation equalOperation = new EqualOperation();
RuleEvaluator evaluator = factory.getEvaluator();
boolean result = evaluator.evaluate(rule, equalOperation);
package org.dvare.function;
public class TestFunction {
@FunctionMethod(returnType = DataType.IntegerType, list = false, parameters = {DataType.IntegerType})
public Integer testFunction(Integer variable) {
System.out.println("inside testFunction with argument value: " + variable);
return variable;